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Study Materials of Indian National Movement for TNPSC Group 2 Prelims Exam

Unraveling the India’s Freedom Struggle: A Guide to TNPSC Group 2-2A Prelims Indian National Movement

The Indian National Movement holds a paramount significance in the TNPSC Group 2 Prelims examination, serving as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Indian people in their quest for freedom and self-determination. In this article, we delve into the significance of the Indian National Movement section in the examination and outline effective preparation strategies to navigate through it successfully.

TNPSC Group 2 Prelims Indian National Movement

Understanding the TNPSC Group 2 Prelims Syllabus on Indian National Movement

The Indian National Movement segment in TNPSC Group 2 Prelims covers a wide range of topics, including the early phase of the freedom struggle, the emergence of Indian nationalism, the role of leaders and organizations, socio-religious movements, and the struggle for independence. Candidates are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of these topics to excel in the examination.

Indian National Movement
இந்திய தேசிய இயக்கம்

Study Materials for Indian National Movement

Tracing the Early Phases of the Freedom Struggle: The Indian National Movement traces its origins to the early 19th century, marked by the advent of socio-religious reform movements and the emergence of Indian nationalist sentiments. Candidates should familiarize themselves with key events such as the Revolt of 1857, the formation of Indian National Congress, and the contributions of early nationalist leaders.

Exploring the Emergence of Indian Nationalism: The late 19th and early 20th centuries witnessed the rise of Indian nationalism, fueled by factors such as economic exploitation, racial discrimination, and political marginalization. Candidates should understand the ideological underpinnings of Indian nationalism and the contributions of leaders such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Dadabhai Naoroji, and Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

National Renaissance – Early Uprising against British Rule – Indian National Congress – Emergence of Leaders – B.R.Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh, Bharathiar, V.O.Chidambaranar, Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamarajar, Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Thanthai Periyar, Rajaji, Subash Chandra Bose and Others – Different Modes of Agitation: Growth of Satyagraha and Militant Movements – Communalism and Partition
தேசிய மறுமலர்ச்சி – ஆங்கிலேயர் ஆட்சிக்கு எதிரான தொடக்க கால எழுச்சிகள் – இந்திய தேசிய காங்கிரஸ் – தலைவர்கள் உருவாதல் – பி.ஆர்.அம்பேத்கர், பகத்சிங், பாரதியார், வ.உ.சிதம்பரனார், ஜவகர்லால் நேரு, காமராசர், மகாத்மா காந்தி, மௌலானா அபுல் கலாம் ஆசாத், தந்தை பெரியார், இராஜாஜி, சுபாஷ் சந்திர போஸ் மற்றும் பலர் – விடுதலைப் போராட்டத்தின் பல்வேறு நிலைகள் அகிம்சை முறையின் வளர்ச்சி மற்றும் புரட்சிகர இயக்கங்கள் – வகுப்புவாதம் மற்றும் தேசப்பிரிவினை
8th Std – [ Advent of the Europeans ]8th Std – [ ஐரோப்பியர்களின் வருகை ]
8th Std – [ From Trade to Territory ]8th Std – [ வர்த்தகத்திலிருந்து பேரரசு வரை ]
8th Std – [ Rural Life and Society ]8th Std – [ கிராம சமூகமும் வாழ்க்கை முறையும் ]
8th Std – [ People’s Revolt ]8th Std – [ மக்களின் புரட்சி ]
8th Std – [ Urban changes during the British period ]8th Std – [ ஆங்கிலேயர் ஆட்சியில் நகர்ப்புற மாற்றங்கள் ]
8th Std – [ Status of Women in India through the ages ]8th Std – [ காலங்கள்தோறும் இந்தியப் பெண்களின் நிலை ]
10th Std – [ Nationalism: Gandhian Phase ]10th Std – [ தேசியம்: காந்திய காலகட்டம் ]
10th Std – [ Anti-Colonial Movements and the Birth of Nationalism ]10th Std – [ காலனியத்துக்கு எதிரான இயக்கங்களும் தேசியத்தின் தோற்றமும் ]
11th Std – [ The Coming of the Europeans ]11th Std – [ ஐரோப்பியரின் வருகை ]
11th Std – [ Early Resistance to British Rule ]11th Std – [ ஆங்கிலேய ஆட்சிக்கு தொடக்ககால எதிர்ப்புகள் ]
11th Std – [ Effects of British Rule ]11th Std – [ ஆங்கிலேயர் ஆட்சியின் விளைவுகள் ]
12th Std – [ Rise of Nationalism in India ]12th Std – [ இந்தியாவில் தேசியத்தின் எழுச்சி ]
12th Std – [ Rise of Extremism and Swadeshi Movement ]12th Std – [ தீவிர தேசியவாதத்தின் எழுச்சியும் சுதேசி இயக்கமும் ]
12th Std – [ Impact of World War 1 on Indian National Movement ]12th Std – [ இந்திய விடுதலைப்போரில் முதல் உலகப்போரின் தாக்கம் ]
12th Std – [ Advent of Gandhi and Mass Mobilisation ]12th Std – [ காந்தியடிகள் தேசியத் தலைவராக உருவெடுத்து மக்களை ஒன்றிணைத்தல் ]
12th Std – [ Period of Radicalism in Anti-Imperialist Struggles ]12th Std – [ ஏகாதிபத்தியத்திற்கு எதிரான போராட்டங்களில் புரட்சிகர தேசியவாதத்தின் காலம் ]
12th Std – [ Communalism in Nationalist Politics ]12th Std – [ தேசியவாத அரசியலில் வகுப்புவாதம் ]
12th Std – [ Last Phase of Indian National Movement ]12th Std – [ இந்திய தேசிய இயக்கத்தின் இறுதிக்கட்டம் ]

Analyzing the Role of Leaders and Organizations: The Indian National Movement saw the emergence of several leaders and organizations that played a pivotal role in mobilizing the masses and spearheading the struggle for independence. Candidates should have knowledge of leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, and organizations such as the Indian National Congress, All India Muslim League, and revolutionary groups.

Understanding Socio-religious Movements: Socio-religious movements such as the Arya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj, Aligarh Movement, and the Khilafat Movement played a significant role in the Indian National Movement. Candidates should comprehend the objectives, leaders, and impact of these movements on the freedom struggle.

Analyzing the Struggle for Independence: The struggle for independence culminated in India’s independence in 1947, following decades of non-violent protests, civil disobedience movements, and mass mobilization. Candidates should understand the significance of events such as the Quit India Movement, the Partition of India, and the role of leaders in negotiating with the British for independence.

TNPSC Group 2 Prelims Preparation Strategies 2024

To excel in the Indian National Movement section of TNPSC Group 2 Prelims, aspirants can adopt the following preparation strategies:

  1. Study from Standard Textbooks: Refer to standard textbooks on Indian History recommended for competitive examinations to build a strong conceptual foundation.
  2. Analyze Historical Documents and Speeches: Read historical documents, speeches, and writings of leaders involved in the Indian National Movement to understand their perspectives and motivations.
  3. Solve Previous Year Papers: Solve previous year question papers and attempt mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, question types, and time management strategies.
  4. Focus on Conceptual Understanding: Instead of rote memorization, focus on understanding the causes, consequences, and significance of key events and movements in the Indian National Movement.
  5. Analyze Current Affairs: Relate the Indian National Movement to current affairs and analyze its relevance in contemporary times. Follow reputable historical newspapers, magazines, and online portals for relevant news and analysis.
  6. Revision is Key: Allocate dedicated time for regular revision of topics related to the Indian National Movement to reinforce learning and improve retention.

Conclusion on Indian National Movement

In conclusion, mastering the Indian National Movement section is essential for success in TNPSC Group 2 Prelims. By delving into the intricacies of the freedom struggle, understanding the contributions of leaders and organizations, and analyzing its socio-political implications, aspirants can enhance their knowledge and analytical skills, thereby increasing their chances of scoring well in this section of the examination. Remember, a deep understanding of the Indian National Movement not only aids in examination preparation but also fosters a sense of pride and appreciation for India’s rich history of struggle and sacrifice.

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